Zeitz, Jana Friederike

Jana Friederike Zeitz, M.Sc. Geography

(area of specialisation: Urban and Regional Development Management)

Studied Geography with specialisation on Urban and Regional Development at the Department of Geography, Ruhr University Bochum.

Research interests:

  • The right to the city
  • Social and spatial inequality
  • Urban and neighbourhood development planning
  • Housing market and allocation strategies

Phone: + 49 (0) 231 9051-244
E-Mail: jana.zeitz@ils-research.de

European Guidebook on Sustainable City Region Food Systems

The main objective of the project FoodE (Food Systems in European Cities) is to accelerate the development of sustainable and resilient citizen initiatives in European urban food systems. Involving various stakeholders, including citizens, start-ups, local authorities, and educational institutions, FoodE has implemented activities outlined in this EU Guidebook. More…

SUSKULT Scenario Study

The SUSKULT joint project is working on an innovative, closed cycle agrosystem that overcomes current and future challenges. The goal is to develop and establish an innovative hydroponics-based food production system, in which plants grow and thrive within the framework of indoor cultivation using nutrient solutions. SUSKULT pursues the vision of turning conventional wastewater treatment plants into “NEWtrient®-Centers” by the middle of the century, supplying all the nutrients required for horticultural projection in the urban setting in addition to clean drinking water. Based on this vision, ILS scientists have drawn up a scenario study that shows possible development paths backwards from the SUSKULT target vision in 2050 to the present day. More…

Neue Folge des ILS-Video-Podcast

In der 10. Folge von „5 Minuten Stadtforschung“ erläutert ILS-Wissenschaftlerin Christin Busch die Bedeutung städtischer Grünräume und ihre Ökosystemleistungen. Ökosystemleistungen sind die vielfältigen Beiträge, die Ökosysteme zur Unterstützung des Wohlbefindens von Menschen und zur Aufrechterhaltung ihrer Lebensqualität erbringen. Das ILS entwickelt, gemeinsam mit nationalen und internationalen Partner*innen, eine Toolbox für die bessere Planung von Grünräumen. Mehr…

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