Zeitz, Jana Friederike
Jana Friederike Zeitz, M.Sc. Geography
(area of specialisation: Urban and Regional Development Management)

Studied Geography with specialisation on Urban and Regional Development at the Department of Geography, Ruhr University Bochum.
Research interests:
- The right to the city
- Social and spatial inequality
- Urban and neighbourhood development planning
- Housing market and allocation strategies
Phone: + 49 (0) 231 9051-244
E-Mail: jana.zeitz@ils-research.de
Jubiläumsfeier “10 Jahre Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft”
Die Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft (JRF) feiert im Jahr 2024 ihr 10-jähriges Bestehen. Am 8. April 2024 ab 14 Uhr (Ausstellungsbeginn), bzw. 15 Uhr (Veranstaltungsbeginn) sind Freunde, Förderer, Wegbegleiter*innen und die interessierte Öffentlichkeit eingeladen, das 10-jährige Jubiläum der JRF mit einer Festveranstaltung in der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste in Düsseldorf zusammen mit der Ministerin für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW, Ina Brandes, und vielen anderen zu feiern. Das ILS ist Gründungsmitglied der Forschungsgemeinschaft. Die Anmeldung ist ab sofort möglich. Mehr…
Urban beauty beyond the visible and designable
Today, beauty is a marginal topic within the scientific debate on cities. Fundamental questions such as “What constitutes urban beauty?”, “What are its origins?”, “How can planners and designers contribute to its creation?”, and “How did the urban areas that we find appealing evolve?”, largely remain unexplored. ILS scientist Dr. Stefano Cozzolino was a guest expert at a digital event on “Urban beauty beyond the visible and designable” at the “Art University of Isfahan” (Iran). To the report
Urban beauty beyond the visible and designable
Today, beauty is a marginal topic within the scientific debate on cities. Fundamental questions such as “What constitutes urban beauty?”, “What are its origins?”, “How can planners and designers contribute to its creation?”, and “How did the urban areas that we find appealing evolve?”, largely remain unexplored. Neglecting these issues fails to serve the interests of both citizens and planners. This talk, hosted by the Art University of Isfahan, considers two principal hypotheses. First, a superficial consensus on a vague and unsatisfactory conception of urban beauty hinders substantive discussion. Second, including also the issues of action and complexity in the discourse provides better understanding of the unique characteristics of urban beauty.
From this perspective, this talk first briefly examines the general concept of beauty and its application. It then highlights key features to be considered when discussing urban beauty. The findings of the analysis reveal necessary conceptual changes and possible new approaches.
Cross appointment with Osaka University in Japan
ILS scientist Dr. Noriko Otsuka holds the position of Specially Appointed Associate Professorship at Osaka University, Japan. She was in Japan for two weeks in January for research activities using the cross-appointment system initiated by Osaka University. The appointment as a faculty member of the Cybermedia Centre, an interdisciplinary research centre, in Osaka University has facilitated the opportunity to exchange knowledge on the field of urban design and mobility, and urban regeneration, as well as educational activities for Master and PhD students. Dr. Otsuka has held this position since 2019 and has played a key role in strengthening international exchanges and creating new project opportunities in German and Japanese academic institutions.
GreenMe Kick-off meeting in Barcelona
FGB and GUM researchers participated in a 3-day kick-off meeting of the GreenMe project (in Barcelona hosted by Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. GreenMe aims to identify ways in which effective nature-based therapy and a broader green care framework can be scaled-up to improve adult mental health and wellbeing equity while contributing to multiple socio-ecological co-benefits. The consortium consists of 19 partners from eight countries: Spain, Italy, Belgium, UK, Germany, Poland, Sweden and US. The expertise of involved researchers and practitioners ranges from nature-based therapy, health, social sciences, landscape architecture and planning, to communication specialists. ILS leads a WP to develop a methodology for co-creating solutions and guidelines including an EU framework and country-specific schemes for bolstering green care along with an identified community of green care actors. To the project page