Zeitz, Jana Friederike

Jana Friederike Zeitz, M.Sc. Geography

(area of specialisation: Urban and Regional Development Management)

Studied Geography with specialisation on Urban and Regional Development at the Department of Geography, Ruhr University Bochum.

Research interests:

  • The right to the city
  • Social and spatial inequality
  • Urban and neighbourhood development planning
  • Housing market and allocation strategies

Phone: + 49 (0) 231 9051-244
E-Mail: jana.zeitz@ils-research.de

Video presents ILS project on urban walkability

In February 2024, 15 projects in the ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) met in Paris for their final event. The purpose was to share insights and project results with funding agencies, stakeholders, cities, government organisations and experts from European organisations. A video provides more specific insights into some of the projects. ILS researcher Dr. Noriko Otsuka presents our WalkUrban project, which aimed to better understand the local accessibility and walkability of cities to unlock the potential for walking. More…

Video presents ILS project on urban walkability

In February 2024, 15 projects in the ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) met in Paris for their final event. The purpose was to share insights and project results with funding agencies, stakeholders, cities, government organisations and experts from European organisations. A video provides more specific insights into some of the projects. ILS researcher Dr. Noriko Otsuka presents our WalkUrban project, which aimed to better understand the local accessibility and walkability of cities to unlock the potential for walking.

The video is online here.

In the ILS-TRENDS [EXTRA] „04/23: Wo geht’s wirklich gut? Neue methodische Ansätze aus der Walkability-Forschung“  the project is also presented in more detail (from p. 9).

AccessCity4All Kick-off meeting in Vienna

Dr. Janina Welsch and Dr. Noriko Otsuka participated in a 3-day kick-off meeting of the AccessCity4All project in Vienna hosted by Austrian Academy of Science. The project is one of 23 successful projects under the 15-minute City Transition Pathway of the DUT (Driving Urban Transitions (Driving Urban Transitions) programme. More…

AccessCity4All Kick-off meeting in Vienna

Dr. Janina Welsch and Dr. Noriko Otsuka participated in a 3-day kick-off meeting of the AccessCity4All project in Vienna hosted by Austrian Academy of Science. The project is one of 23 successful projects under the 15-minute City Transition Pathway of the DUT (Driving Urban Transitions) programme.

AccessCity4All addresses some of the limitations of the 15-minute city concept by considering residents perceived and actualised accessibility in neighbourhoods between city centres and outskirts. It focuses on supporting active mobility for people with different needs and abilities.
The consortium consists of five academic institutions from Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal and Turkey. In addition, six practice partners are involved in project implementation, including the municipality of Münster as the German cooperation partner for the ILS.
ILS leads two WPs, one for developing a methodology for walk-along interviews with vulnerable population groups and another for facilitating discussions on local recommendations and the transferability of policy implications based on project results.


Pressemitteilung: Kerstin Conrad (ILS) erhält den JRF-Dissertationspreis 2024

Für ihre wegweisende Arbeit zur Alltagsmobilität älterer Menschen wurde Dr. Kerstin Conrad vom JRF-Institut ILS – Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung mit dem JRF-Dissertationspreis am 8. April 2024 ausgezeichnet. Der mit 2.000 Euro dotierte Preis wurde ihr von Karl Schultheis, dem Vorsitzenden des JRF-Kuratoriums, auf der festlichen Jubiläumsfeier zum zehnjährigen Bestehen der Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft in Düsseldorf überreicht. Anlässlich der Verleihung ist ein Video erschienen, das Kerstin Conrad und ihre Arbeit näher vorstellt. Mehr…

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