Jonathan Landwehr, M. Sc. Geography

Background in Geography with a special focus in Geoinformatics at Ruhr University Bochum and University of Tartu, Estonia

Research interests:

  • Creation and Processing of 3D LiDAR Pointclouds
  • Remote Sensing
  • Interactive Webmap Modelling
  • GIS

Presentations (Selection)

  • How to mitigate urban heat stress and its perceptions? A multi-method approach for resilient, healthy and sustainable cities (Albrecht, Janna; gemeinsam mit van der Vlugt, Anna-Lena*; Conrad, Kerstin*; Heider, Bastian*; Landwehr, Jonathan*). Vortrag auf der Urban Transitions Conference „Integrating Urban and Transport Planning, Environment and Health for Healthier Urban Living”, Session „Cities and Health“, 06.11.2024, Sitges, Barcelona, Spanien.