Sarah Friese, Renewable Energies Management (M.Sc.)

Bachelor’s degree in “Industrial Engineering for Sustainable Technologies” at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences. Master’s degree in “Renewable Energy Management” at the University of Applied Sciences in Erfurt. Study visit to Arusha, Tanzania.

Research interests:

  • Energy transition
  • Renewable energies in spatial planning

Phone: + 49 (0) 231 9051-150

Doctoral dissertation

Title of the doctoral thesis
“Implementation of nationwide targets for a sustainable energy transition at regional level: assessment criteria – evaluation – potential for improvement” (working title)

Supervision of the doctoral thesis
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Faulstich, TU Dortmund University, Faculty of Spatial Planning, Chair of Resource and Energy Systems

Doctoral scholarship
2022 – 2024 Doctoral scholarship from the INZIN Institute, Düsseldorf

Publications (Selection)

  • Schulwitz, Martin; Adisorn, Thomas; Cohrs, Alena; Friese, Sarah; Jegen, Pauline; März, Steven; Polívka, Jan; Rubarth, Antonia (2024): POWER für die Wärmewende – Potenziale von Wasserkreisläufen zur Wärmenutzung in nutzungsgemischten Baublöcken hoher Dichte. In: Transforming Cities 9, 1, 21–26.