Socio-spatial inequalities, participation and cohesion

Increasing unequal living and housing conditions characterise spatial development in urban, but also in rural areas. Questions of spatial justice are thus moving into the centre of attention. The research aim is to analyse the manifestations and processes of socio-spatial inequalities at the different spatial scales and to reveal the causes and social dimensions or threats of these developments. On the basis of a transformative understanding of science, the aim is also to identify concepts and solutions for promoting social participation and social cohesion from a spatial perspective, or to contribute to their development.
Migration and immigration will continue to have a significant impact on future development, especially in urban agglomerations. This is an opportunity and a challenge at the same time. Here, it is important to investigate exclusion and inclusion processes in an intersectional approach. It is of particular importance to strengthen neighbourhoods characterised by international immigration and to develop them into places of good coexistence and social cohesion.
Contact person for this research focus:
Dr. Sabine Weck
Phone: +49 (0) 231 9051-184
Ralf Zimmer-Hegmann
Phone: +49 (0) 231 9051-240