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Scientific research accompanying the state competition "Ways2work - Cooperative mobility management in commercial areas"
Client:Ministry of the Environment, Nature and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MUNV NRW)
Partner(s):Chamber of Industry and Commerce/ Network Office Job Mobility NRW (IHK BEMO); Future Network Mobility NRW
Time frame:09/2023 – 12/2026

Mobility management is becoming increasingly established in practice in NRW. Supported by services such as the "Future Mobility Network" initiated by the state of NRW, an increasing institutionalization of local mobility management in public administrations in particular can be observed. The number of practical examples is also growing in the area of corporate mobility management and more and more companies are actively promoting sustainable mobility for their employees. However, many commercial areas are poorly connected to public transport and are not always easily accessible by bike. Mobility management in companies therefore quickly reaches its limits.

With the current "ways2work" competition, the Ministry of the Environment, Nature and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MUNV NRW) has now created an additional funding approach to specifically improve the accessibility of commercial areas and develop comprehensive mobility management concepts. Particular emphasis is given to cooperation between public and economic players within the framework of "cooperative mobility management".

The “ Mobilities and Space” research group at the ILS is conducting the scientific accompanying research and overall evaluation of the project from 2023 to 2026. As the first surveys were launched in over 60 companies from the state competition projects in summer 2023. These surveys focus, among other topics, on the mobility attitudes of employees, which together with local conditions (co-) determine behavior. The interim results vary from case to case, but a positive attitude towards cycling and sceptical attitudes towards public transport are evident in all surveys. The results of the surveys on the current mobility of employees flow directly into the projects and at the same time provide valuable insights for the scientific work of the ILS in the field of work-related mobility.

This project is carried out by ILS gGmbH.

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