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all ILS gGmbH ILS Research gGmbH
Small-scale Research Data NRW
Time frame:01/2024 – 12/2025

The lack of availability of small-scale research data based on official statistics poses major challenges for many researchers in Germany interested in socio-spatial and spatial-structural developments. The smallest spatial unit for which official data is provided comprehensively and regularly updated is usually the municipality. Small-scale and inner-city spatial development processes cannot be understood on this basis. Research on these topics relies on the offerings of commercial data providers. The aim of the project is to utilize the small-scale data from IT.NRW and to examine spatially relevant data from the 2022 census. Procedures and evaluation routines are to be developed in order to make these available to ILS research in accordance with data protection regulations. The project creates new small-scale aggregations of official data that can be used as part of other research projects.

This project is carried out by ILS gGmbH.

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