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Scientific monitoring of the implementation of moobil+ in the district of Cloppenburg
Client:Landkreis Cloppenburg
Partner(s):Planersocietät Dortmund
Time frame:07/2020 – 03/2022

The ‚Landkreis Cloppenburg‘, a rural region in Lower Saxony, has introduced the On-Demand public transport system ‚moobil+‘. It is conceptualized to support existing rail and bus services and to guarantee a comprehensive provision with public transport services. The ILS has been assigned to evaluate the introduction of moobil+. For this purpose we apply a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods including an analysis of a household travel survey as well as interviews with focus groups such as providers and users of moobil+. Planersocietät will support ILS with a focus on analysing supply and performance indicators.

This project is carried out by ILS Research gGmbH.

Project leader:

Project team:
  • Carolina Krome
  • Mona Sendtko

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