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ESPON Project - TIPSE: Territorial Indicators of Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe
Client:European Union (European Fund for Regional Development in the context of Goal 3 - European Territorial Cooperation) – ESPON 2013 programme
Partner(s):Nordregio (SE), University of the Highlands and Islands (UK), Newcastle University (UK), Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU), EKKE - National Centre for Social Research (EL)
Time frame:01/2012 – 12/2014

The ESPON TIPSE project aims to

  • improve the evidence base for policy which promotes inclusive growth, within the context of the EU2020 strategy
  • support policy, both by enhancing the evidence base and by identifying existing good practice.

The project will seek to achieve its aims in two ways:

(i) A regional database, and associated maps, of poverty and social exclusion indicators will be compiled. The project will thus establish macro and micro-scale patterns of poverty and social exclusion across the Europe.

(ii) A set of ten case studies will be undertaken to convey holistic portraits of different kinds of poverty and social exclusion as experienced in a wide variety of European territorial contexts. An important goal for the project will be to identify policy approaches, which can effectively tackle exclusion, and thus strengthen territorial cohesion. The case studies are intended to further this objective by exploring local policy processes and highlighting good practice.

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