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MobiliSta – Going beyond the Automotive City Paradigm. A Multimodal and Sustainable Transformation Strategy on the Example of the City of Bielefeld
Client:Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), funding measure “Implementation of the flagship initiative City of the Future"
Partner(s):Universitiy of Applied Sciences Bielefeld / Faculty of Social Sciences; Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC), Berlin; Sennestadt GmbH; City of Bielefeld/ transport planning office (associated); moBiel GmbH (associated)
Time frame:10/2017 – 03/2021

Cities form complex microcosms in which people with very different mobility needs live. However, it becomes increasingly clear that the international and national climate protection goals cannot be achieved without a profound transformation of the transport and energy sectors. In order to foster multimodal and intermodal travel behavior in urban environments, we have to overcome car-dependent structures and behavioral patterns. At the municipal level, such transformation processes can only be successfully implemented if they are developed together with the city administration as well as the people affected and carried out in their socio-spatial environment. On the one hand, new visions and possibilities for planning and mobility cultures have to be set up on the meta level; on the other hand, such thematically complex issues sometimes overstrain the political decision-makers. Further, citizens must be motivated to design, experience and test tomorrow's mobility through their own voluntary and creative work. Living labs offer a suitable integrative platform for engaging both administration and citizens in this process.

The research project "MobiliSta" supports and investigates these transformation processes. The scientific challenge is to  understand how new concepts such as living labs can be integrated into planning processes in order to derive sustainable mobility strategies for improving the quality of life in urban places. Therefore, the inter- and transdisciplinary research project focuses on the following key aspects:

1. Sub-group-specific qualitative and quantitative measurement and analysis of the transport behavior and mobility culture on district level.

2. Conceptualization and implementation of a living lab for the sustainable change of the mobility culture.

3. Extension and enhancement of the existing set of methods for evaluating transport- and energy-related effects.

4. Development of coping strategies for social and technical transport infrastructure.

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