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Mobility Study Cologne/Bonn Region
Client:Region Köln/Bonn e.V. (funded by the EU und the state North Rhine-Westphalia; European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 (EFRE 2014-2020))
Partner(s):PTV Transport Consult GmbH
Time frame:11/2016 – 07/2018

The project “Mobility Study Cologne/Bonn Region“ is part of the dialogue and planning process of the agglomeration concept for the Cologne/Bonn Region. The agglomeration concept is a planning and dialogue process of the Region Köln/Bonn e.V., which is set up for three years and aims to show the future profiles of spatial development and perspectives for a territorial and integrated development of settlements, mobility and open spaces.

The main objective of the Mobility Study is the derivation of scenarios for mobility development in this area by the year 2040. As a first step, the Mobility Study evaluates developments, drivers and trends in the field of mobility based on current studies and research, discusses them in the form of guiding themes with experts in the region and presents fundamental potential for change processes in the region. During the expert interviews current and future problems as well as required actions will be identified. The arrangement in groups of regional and external interviewees is based on following mobility and traffic-related trends:

  • General trends and developments in mobility
  • Digitalization and technological development
  • Urban and population development
  • Current and future developments of public transportation
  • Adaptation, conversion and restructuring needs of transport infrastructure
  • Multimodality, sharing-systems and mobility management
  • Economy, commerce and logistics

Another module is the evaluation of existing data and models. Numerous different data sources are used thereby, which are processed for the visualization in targeted and demonstrative maps. The results of the expert discussions and the data evaluation are incorporated in the recommendations for action and illustrated in the form of analysis and thematic maps.

Further information about the agglomeration concept can be found on the website of the Region Köln Bonn e.V.

Project leader:
  • Dr.-Ing. Dirk Wittowsky

Project team:
  • Jan Garde

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