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Age-friendly City – Autonomy and Sustainable Mobility in the Context of Climate Change – (autonomMOBIL)
Client:Fritz und Hildegard Berg Foundation
Partner(s):Faculty for Sports and Health Sciences, University Stuttgart; Chair for Interdisciplinary Aging Research, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main; Institute for Landscape Planning and Ecology, University Stuttgart; Clinic for Geriatric Rehabilitation, Robert Bosch Hospital, Stuttgart
Time frame:03/2014 – 03/2018

Against the background of climate change and with the prospect of an aging society, urban and regional planning is facing major challenges. Most (elderly) people aspire to remain independent and mobile as long as possible. But what should an inter-generationally just and health-promoting city where people can live an active and mobile life up to an old age look like?

Gerontology has shown how living an active life is an important factor for the good general condition and well-being of older people and also helps them remain independent for a longer time. In addition to personal physical and mental factors, the mobility behaviour of older people is significantly influenced by environmental factors such as the accessibility of green areas and other public spaces, neighbourhood composition, the design of the residential district, traffic noise or air quality.

The Fritz und Hildegard Berg Foundation is funding an interdisciplinary research group that focuses on multiple interactions between the environment (climatic, noise and air pollution and spatial aspects) and the needs and expectations of older people. The different research backgrounds of the team members (urban and spatial planners, landscape ecologists, health scientists, gerontologists and geriatric specialists) enables an in-depth analysis of the interactions between constraining and promoting factors for (physical and social) mobility and how they affect the daily mobility, health and well-being of senior citizens.

The research group will describe the most important characteristics of a senior-friendly and high-mobility city. New reliable methods will be developed to analyse and explain barriers to and opportunities for an independent and active mobility.

You can find more information on the homepage of the research group:

Project leader:
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Siedentop

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