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Focus Project “Accessibility” – The meaning of accessibility in urban neighbourhoods
Client:In-house Research Project
Partner(s):TU Hamburg-Harburg, Institute for Transport Planning and Logistics
Time frame:07/2014 – 12/2017

The project “The meaning of accessibility in urban neighbourhoods” combines the topics daily mobility and settlement development. It is based on previous accessibility analyses and mobility behaviour analyses for different social groups. The objective of the project is to improve the existing accessibility modelling on a small scale and to develop an accessibility index that includes all modes of transport.

An essential objective of this research project is to develop accessibility modelling by taking subjective perception of the environment and accessibility into account. Therefore, we analyze and compare the accessibility that is objectively measured with the accessibility that is subjectively experienced by the inhabitants in two exemplary neighbourhoods.

Project leader:
  • Dr.-Ing. Dirk Wittowsky

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