Research projects
Client: | European Union - Interreg IVb - North West Europe |
Partner(s): | 11 European Partners |
Time frame: | 01/2010 – 12/2015 |
VALUE Added (VALUE+) aims to demonstrate how to combine high level planning theories with local involvement in green infrastructure projects.
This will improve how communities work together when planning for green investments and help develop local green economies.
It will create methods to support people in local communities to engage with the planning system so that it is more open and efficient. As part of this, the project will train up a team of Local EU Champions to act as links between the planning system and local people, helping North West European communities to realise their ambitions for the green environment.
The VALUE+ project spans five years (2010-2015) and involves research, demonstration sites and investment in regeneration schemes involving on-the-ground environmental improvements. A total of six sites across North West Europe will receive funding through VALUE+ for a variety of landscaping and community engagement work including a city-centre green space.
The research and findings will be disseminated through a series of conferences, workshops and publications in the five partner countries.
Project leader:
- Dr. Karsten Rusche
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