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all ILS gGmbH ILS Research gGmbH
RESTORE – Restoring Mineral Sites for Biodiversity, People and the Economy across North West Europe

Client:Europäische Union - Interreg IVb - Nordwest-Europa
Partner(s):7 europäische Partner
Time frame:01/2011 – 12/2015

RESTORE aims to provide solutions for the after use of minerals sites for the benefit of biodiversity, local society and economy.

Thus RESTORE is to address the challenge of environmental degradation across North West Europe and to increase planners awareness on handling the after use of minerals sites and by this means delivered ecosystem services. By developing best practices and a framework for the restoration of minerals sites (quarries) the benefits for biodiversity, habitats and local people will be revealed. This will increase the sustainability of North West Europe by reversing biodiversity declines, protecting and buffering designated sites, enhancing landscapes, providing Green Infrastructure and improving quality of life.

The value of the natural environment is recognised by policy makers throughout the EU, but the challenge of delivering environmental benefits in parallel with social and economic development is ever present. The restoration of quarry sites – which provide raw materials crucial to the economic development – and the reactivation of its ecosystem services to establish attractive places for wildlife and people is a win-win situation which aligns with policy drivers related to all economic, social and environmental topics.

The project sets out support and facilitates these restorations by:

  • developing a clear policy framework
  • developing demonstration sites to showcase what can be achieved
  • producing an online map to help users identify the best restoration options
  • carrying out rigorous economic analysis to serve as the basis of a user friendly tool kit to analyse ecosystem services.

These resources and tools will each facilitate engagement between key stakeholders around each restoration site, informing a dialogue on restoration options. By showcasing demonstration sites within RESTORE, the partners will illustrate how quarry sites can benefit biodiversity.

ILS leads the work package „Understanding ecosystem services and the economic value of minerals sites restoration“. Within this work package the delivered ecosystem services by the projects` restored minerals sites are being measured by economic valuation methods. This enables to compare between different restoration options for the after use of quarries und thus to support local decision making. Showing the value of biodiversity restoration for people, wildlife and economies will help secure changes in policy and practice across NWE, delivering long-term impact and contributing to sustainability objectives.

Further information on RESTORE can be accessed on:

Project leader:
  • Dr. Karsten Rusche

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