Research projects
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Research projects
Development of Sustainable Built Environments
- Accompanying research: The REGIONALE 2030 in North Rhine-Westphalia
- Additional module Accompanying research REGIONALEn - Accompanying the application process of the REGIONALE 2030
- Climate Adaptation through Thermographic Campaign and Heat mapping (CATCH4D)
- Evaluation of the state initiative “Rethinking urban allotment gardens”
- FoodConnectRuhr: The Pott cooks regionally, healthily, sustainably - and for everyone!
- FoodE - Food Systems in European Cities
- Geomonitoring for NRW
- GreenME – Advancing Greencare in Europe: an integrated multi-scalar approach for the expansion of nature-based therapies to improve Mental health Equity
- IMECOGIP – Implementation of the ecosystem services framework in green infrastructure planning for resilient urban development in the Ruhr and in Chinese megacities
- JUST GROW: Co-designing justice-centric indicators and governance principles to intensify urban agriculture sustainably and equitably
- Plan turnaround through the transdisciplinary integration of regional and socio-cultural factors in the planning of energy transition measures on site (PlanTieFEn)
- ReGerecht - Integrative development of a fair balance of interests between urban and rural areas
- Small-scale Research Data NRW
- Spatial Analysis LEP Baden-Württemberg
- SUSKULT II - Development of a sustainable cultivation system for food of resilient metropolitan regions
- Transformation of large retail properties. Strategies for the conversion of department stores and shopping centers
- Urban green in the face of climate change
Socio-spatial inequalities, participation and cohesion
- (Urban) renewal and social development of large housing estates in North Rhine-Westphalia
- Arrival Infrastructures and Migrant Newcomers in European Cities (AIMEC)
- Cohesion³ – Innovative strategies to strengthen public services in new and old villages in the Rhenisch lignite mining area
- Evaluation of subsidized collaborative housing projects
- Integrated urban and neighborhood development: expert forum
- ReROOT - Arrival infrastructures as sites of integration for recent newcomers
- Social mixing in neighbourhood and school? The role of parental choice strategies for the development of school segregation
- STARTUP – Sustainable Transitions. Action Research and Training in Urban Perspective.
- Strengthening integration in "new" arrival neighbourhoods
- Subsidized Housing in North Rhine-Westphalia: Legal Instruments and Allocation Practices
- Suburbanization of Poverty: New Spatial (De)Concentrations of Low-Income and Poor Households in German Urban Regions
- Sustainable neighbourhood development as a field of action for private housing companies
- Unequal Germany 2023
Transformation of Urban Spaces and Mobility
- AccessCity4All – Adapting the 15-Minute City concept to support active mobility in neighbourhoods with different levels of accessibility
- Development of Commercial Rents in City Centers in the Context of the Corona Pandemic
- Environmentally and socially friendly construction and housing for sustainable urban and rural development
- EvaZuSta+: Climate resilient transformation of public (street) space: Evaluation of the “Zukunft Stadtraum” planning competition
- Micro-mobility supply and use: An empirical study using the example of e-scooter services in NRW
- Public transportation analysis for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia
- Research Assistance for the Demonstration Projects of Spatial Planning (MORO) "New Land Claims - Regional Management of Settlement and Open Space Development"
- Scientific research accompanying the state competition "Ways2work - Cooperative mobility management in commercial areas"
- Sustainable Mobility for the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region
- WalkUrban: Walkable Urban Neighbourhoods – Freeing up Potential for Sustainable and Active Travel by Improving Walking and its Connections with Public Transport
Closed research projects
Development of Sustainable Built Environments
- Accompanying research: The REGIONALEn
- ClimateNetworks. Transformations in urban climate mitigation and resource protection by designing governance processes
- Co-creating the Town - Innovative Solutions to the Stimulation of Civic Engagement in the Context of Demographic Change – The Case of Weißwasser/O.L.
- Comparative Analysis of Territorial Governance and Spatial Planning Systems in Europe (ESPON COMPASS)
- Conception of a planning and information tool to reduce land consumption in North Rhine-Westphalian cities and municipalities (NRW-Flächenampel)
- Consistency and reliability of land use data
- COST Action: Urban Allotment Gardens in European Cities – Future Challenges and Lessons Learned
- DoNaPart – Psychological and Communal Empowerment through Participation in Sustainable Urban Reconstruction
- Empirical research on planning cultures in shrinking cities and urban regions as represented by open space-, living space- and retail space development
- Focus Project “Cities under Pressure (CuP): Sustainable Urban Growth Management in Europe”
- Focus Project “Green Governance” – Governance of Green Infrastructures: Planning Cultures in European Comparison
- Focus Project “Suburban Neighbourhoods” – Suburban Neighbourhoods under Conditions of Declining Growth
- Home sharing: Effects and communal steering of short-term rentals on local housing markets in Germany and Europe
- Iconic architecture and urban governmentality - Discussion process of the case study of Hamburg’s Elbe Philharmonic Hall
- KlimaNetze 2.0: Enabling social innovations through a structural anchoring of governance processes
- Meta-study „Urban-rural relations“
- NEILA – Sustainable development through intercommunal land use management in the region Bonn / Rhein-Sieg / Ahrweiler
- Project Check 2.0 – Preliminary check of land-use planning
- Redevelopment of business-locations and office buildings – strategies, Instruments, projects
- RESTORE – Restoring Mineral Sites for Biodiversity, People and the Economy across North West Europe
- Satellite: Regional economic analyses in the EU internal market
- SAW Projekt: Single Family Homes under Pressure
- SFHN – Single Family Housing Neighbourhoods of the Post-War Era
- STARE - The Evaluation of the Urban Redevelopment East Program in a Long-Term Perspective
- SUSKULT - Development of a sustainable cultivation system for food of resilient metropolitan regions
- The FEW-Meter - an integrative model to measure and improve urban agriculture, shifting it towards circular urban metabolism
- The influence of spatial planning on settlement development in Germany and Switzerland: A comparative analysis of governance capacity and impacts
- Tools and methods to conduct small scale population projections and impact scenarios in intermunicipal cooperation (WEBWiKo)
- Transformative strategies for integrated neighborhood development: Policy measures for swarm cities (TRASIQ 2)
- TRASIQ - Transformative strategies for integrated neighbourhood development: Policy measures for swarm cities
- TWIST++ - Transitional paths of water infrastructure systems
- Water in the city of the future / integrated monitoring and control systems for water management
- WIKOKLIM - Impact potential of municipal climate protection measures
Socio-spatial inequalities, participation and cohesion
- Community work in the social city - development potential between services of general interest, urban development promotion and social work
- Creating encounters – Strategies and approaches in social neighbourhood development
- ESPON Project - TIPSE: Territorial Indicators of Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe
- ESPON-Project PROFECY - Processes, Features and Cycles of Inner Peripheries in Europe
- Evaluation of Federal programme „Socially Integrative City programme“ City Centre Mülheim
- Evaluation of the project „Refugees and urban redevelopment in Altena“
- Focus Project “Arrival Neighbourhoods: Functions of Arrival Spaces for Socio-Spatial Integration”
- Focus Project “Multiple Place Ties” – Complex place ties of mobile professionals
- Focus Project “Permeability” – Social mixing: permeability and social interaction in socially mixed neighbourhoods
- Housing and socio-spatial integration of migrants – allocation policies of housing associations
- Integrated urban and neighborhood development: expert forum „Wohnen macht Stadt. Wohnungswirtschaft und integrierte Stadterneuerung“
- KoopLab: Integration through the Cooperative Development of Open Spaces – Real-World Labs Strengthening the Socio-Ecological Development of ‘Arrival Neighbourhoods’
- KoSI-Lab - Municipal social innovation labs
- MIMY – EMpowerment through liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in vulnerable conditions
- Production of Arrival Neighbourhoods – The Role of Housing Stock and its Dynamics for Socio-Spatial Segregation and Social Cohesion
- RELOCAL: Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development
- Social integration within urban neighbourhoods: promoting networking and encounters in disadvantaged areas
- Successful integration in neighbourhoods
- Urban space research in the vicinity of the Cologne cathedral
Transformation of Urban Spaces and Mobility
- Accessibility in rural areas – developing and evaluating an instrument to review the impact of location development of social infrastructure and shifts in supply of individual and public transport
- Active mobility in the city – socioecological determinants of walkability and public health
- Age-friendly City – Autonomy and Sustainable Mobility in the Context of Climate Change – (autonomMOBIL)
- Brain Train? High-speed rail stations as focal points of the knowledge economy
- Climate Change Impacts on Migration and Urbanization (IMpeTUs)
- Coming, Leaving and Staying: Migration Processes and Residential Location Decisions from the Perspective of Rural Areas (KoBaLd)
- Commuting: the transition to more sustainable mobility on the way to work
- Cross-border cooperation Netherlands / Germany: "Strategy South"
- Development of rural areas in Baden-Württemberg
- Digitisation and E-Commerce: A Curse or a Blessing for Rural Areas?
- E-Bike Dortmund – Potentials of electric bicycles
- Evaluation of the initiative mobil gewinnt
- Evaluation of the Project “Sustainable optimization of company mobility in the state administration of North Rhine-Westphalia using the example of the LANUV NRW (NOMO)”
- Focus Project “Accessibility” – The meaning of accessibility in urban neighbourhoods
- Focus Project “Mobility and Work”
- Focus Project “New Economic Poles” – New economic poles of the metropolitan economy
- Focus Project “Trends and Drivers of Urban Spatial Development”
- Impacts of online trade on traffic and urban development
- Integrated mobility concepts for rural areas considering organisational structures and cooperation
- It's “going” well - making sustainable mobility in Bad Oeynhausen more attractive
- Local mobility concept Langenfeld
- MobiliSta – Going beyond the Automotive City Paradigm. A Multimodal and Sustainable Transformation Strategy on the Example of the City of Bielefeld
- Mobility hubs as intermodal interfaces in the environmental alliance in the Cologne urban region - coordinated implementation, smart equipment, user-oriented communication (MoSt RegioKöln)
- Mobility Study Cologne/Bonn Region
- Out-of-home mobility and health in old age in the context of vulnerability and resilience in urban areas (amore)
- Post-Covid living and working arrangements
- RAISE-IT – Rhine-Alpine Integrated and Seamless Travel Chain
- Re-urbanisation in the United States and Germany. A comparative study of driving forces and spatial patterns of re-urbanisation processes in Portland, OR (USA) and Stuttgart (Germany)
- Scientific monitoring of the implementation of moobil+ in the district of Cloppenburg
- Societal change and neighbourhood development– A decision-making tool for stakeholders in the residential market
- The opening of rural areas to renew rural generations, jobs and farms (RURALIZATION)
- The polycentricity of German metropolitan areas – development of a remote sensing-based approach for measuring morphological polycentricity
- The structural importance of medium-sized cities for maintaining the future viability of rural areas in Baden-Württemberg
- Trends and tendencies in settlement development and their effects on the achievement of federal land policy goals
- U.Move 2.0 – The spatial and virtual mobility of teenagers and young adults
- Urban Concept Last Mile
- Urban digital production - Interaction forms for the adaptive production systems of the digital economy in agglomerations
- UrbanRural Solutions - Innovations in the regional management of services of general interest through optimal support for urban-rural cooperation
- Where are the jobs? Urban spatial structure and subcentering in an international comparison
- WORKANDHOME – Reshaping society and space: home-based self-employment and businesses