Development of Sustainable Built Environments

Central spatial planning tasks concern the control and coordination of adaptation processes in settlement areas under volatile framework conditions. Spatially relevant changes include interlocking social, economic, functional and ecological shifts, such as demographic change, diversification of lifestyles, globalisation, climate change and their effects on local settlements. In this context, the framework conditions for planning activities are also changing. In addition to classical hierarchical approaches, cooperative planning alliances and formats are increasingly emerging, requiring the participation of different actors in spatial planning processes.
The research deals with the question of which conditions and influencing factors can shape the sustainable production, adaptation and further development of cities and regions, considering the tension between society, market and spatial planning. It focuses on understanding the adaptation and transformation processes in urban and regional settlement areas, built structures, and open spaces. The work considers formats and processes of sustainable development of existing and new urban fabrics, settlement area management (as a basic aspect of spatial planning), the design and shape of urban spaces and functions, and the strategic planning of green and blue infrastructures.
Contact person for this research focus:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Weith
Phone: +49 (0) 231 9051-252
Dr. Kathrin Specht
Phone: +49 (0) 231 9051-231