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Internationales Interesse an Studie „Ungleiches Deutschland 2019“

Die kürzlich erschienene Studie „Ungleiches Deutschland 2019“ des Instituts für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung stößt auch international auf Interesse. Auf Einladung der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Madrid und der Manuel Gimenez Abad Stiftung hat Projektleiter Prof. Stefan Fina Ende Mai den Untersuchungsansatz und die [...]

Studie „Ungleiches Deutschland 2019“

Die kürzlich erschienene Studie „Ungleiches Deutschland 2019“ des Instituts für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungs­forschung stößt auch international auf Interesse. Projektleiter Prof. Stefan Fina stellte die Ergebnisse im spanischen Saragossa vor. Mehr...

Ungleiches Deutschland

ILS erstellt wissenschaftliches Gutachten für Studie Ungleiches Deutschland 2019 Eine Karte der Ungleichheit. Wo man wie in Deutschland lebt – die Disparitätenkarte gibt einen ersten Überblick (© ILS) Ein Land, in dem die Lebensbedingungen zunehmend auseinanderdriften und die Politik [...]

Colloquium Series 2019 / 2020

Planning and Design for Adaptable Cities and NeighbourhoodsCities and neighbourhoods are by their nature complex systems which change and adapt over time as a result of both top-down interventions and unpredictable, bottom-up, emergent processes of transformation. In the last several [...]

Ralf Zimmer-Hegmann, Dipl.-Sozialwissenschaftler

Interim Scientific Director and Executive Director, deputy Head of the Research Group “Urban Social Space”, Contact Person for the Research Focus „Socio-Spatial Inequalities, Participation and Cohesion“. Studied Social Sciences in Duisburg. Research interests: Urban sociology District research Evaluation and [...]

Dr. Shaojuan XU, M.Eng., M.Sc

Studied Civil Engineering at the Chinese University of Geosciences, Engineering Mechanics at Tongji University, and Applied Geosciences at the Darmstadt University of Technology; Gained her Doctorate at Osnabrück University. Research interests: Open source geospatial data fusion Monitoring of green [...]

Dr. Janina Welsch, M. A. Applied Cultural Sciences

Studied Applied Cultural Sciences and received her doctorate at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. Research interests: Empirical behavioural research / mobility behavior of people with a migration background among others Public services and accessibility Sustainable transport and settlement development [...]

Dr. Sabine Weck, Urban Planner AKNW

Deputy Director of Research and Head of the Research Group „Urban Social Space“ Studied Spatial Planning and gained her doctorate at the University of Dortmund. Spent periods studying and working abroad in Spain, Gambia and El Salvador. Research interests: [...]

Dr. Kati Volgmann, Dipl.-Ing. Spatial Planning

Studied Spatial Planning and received her doctorate at the University of Dortmund. Research interests: Trends in spatial development: metropolisation, regionalisation, reurbanisation and polycentrality Spatial statistics Concept and measuring of metropolitan functions Contact: Phone: +49 (0) 231 9051-230 E-Mail: kati.volgmann@ils-research.de [...]

Anna-Lena van der Vlugt, M. Sc. Geography

Studied Geography at Ruhr University Bochum. Research interests: Integrated concepts in urban and regional development Mobility of social groups Accessibility Online trade, traffic and urban development Contact: Phone: +49 (0) 231 9051-261 E-Mail: anna-lena.vlugt@ils-research.de Doctoral dissertation [...]

Dr. Cornelia Tippel, Dipl.-Ing. Spatial Planning

Studied Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University. Gained her Doctorate at the TU Dortmund University. Study and research stays in Prague and Southampton. Research interests: Changing work practices and their spatial implications Work-related multi-locality and mobility Location decisions Contact: [...]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Siedentop

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Siedentop was Scientific Director and Managing Director of the ILS until 31 July 2023. He is professor at TU Dortmund University, Faculty of Spatial Planning, Department of Urban Development. To his contact information [...]

Benjamin Scholz, M. Sc. Economic Geography

Studied Geography at the RWTH Aachen University, Master of Science in Economic Geography with commerce and spatial planning as minor field of study. Research interests: Future options of urban water infrastructure Adaption of water infrastructure to demographic and climate [...]

Dr. Noriko Otsuka

Deputy Head of the Research Group „Spatial Planning and Urban Design“. Studied Architecture at the University of York, UK, and gained her doctorate at the Joint Centre for Urban Design, Oxford Brookes University, UK. She carried out her postdoctoral [...]

Frank Osterhage, Dipl.-Ing. Spatial Planning

Contact Person for the Research Interest „Spatial Development and New Work Environments“ Studied spatial planning at the University of Dortmund; spent a semester abroad at the Department of Town and Country Planning at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. [...]

Dr. Angelika Münter, Dipl. Ing. Spatial Planning

Deputy Head of the Research Group „Mobilities and Space“ and Senior Research Manager of ILS Research Studied Urban and Spatial Planning and received her doctorate at TU Dortmund University. Research interests: Trends in spatial development: Metropolisation, reurbanisation and polycentricity [...]

Dr. Bastian Heider, Dipl.-Geographer

Deputy Head of „Geoinformation und Monitoring“ unit. Studied geography at the Leibniz University of Hannover, specialisation: economic and urban geography: semester abroad at Universidade de Lisboa. Graduate student at the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), department for urban [...]

Sören Groth, M. Sc. Urban Planning

Bachelor and Master of Science in Urban Planning at HafenCity University Hamburg; Doctoral Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt a. M., Institute of Human Geography (Working Group Mobility Research). He also worked in the working group “Environmental psychology in transdisciplinary [...]

Dr.-Ing. Christian Gerten, M.Sc. Spatial Planning

Studied Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University (Master of Science); Specialisation on Strategic Urban and Regional Development. Gained his doctorate at the Department of Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University. Research interests: GIS applications Automation of geoprocessing Methods for [...]

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