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Search results for: stark

Klimaschutz vor Ort: Vernetzt geht es besser

Projekt KlimaNetze begleitete und vernetze Klimaschutz-Akteure in Bielefeld Pressemitteilung 5. September 2019 Von der viel befahrene Straße zur Flaniermeile – ein Beispiel aus dem Reallabor „Verkehrsräume umverteilen“ (Bild: ILS) Klimaschutz ist längst ein Thema für Städte geworden - das Verbundforschungsprojekt [...]


Stark, Martin; Nagel, Melanie; Satoh, Keiichi; Schmitt, Marco; Kaip, Elena (2019): Diversity in collaboration. Networks in urban climate change governance. In: Urban Climate, online first July 18, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.uclim.­2019.100502. Weitere aktuelle Fachbeiträge finden Sie hier.

Colloquium Series 2019 / 2020

Planning and Design for Adaptable Cities and NeighbourhoodsCities and neighbourhoods are by their nature complex systems which change and adapt over time as a result of both top-down interventions and unpredictable, bottom-up, emergent processes of transformation. In the last several [...]

Dr. Kati Volgmann, Dipl.-Ing. Spatial Planning

Studied Spatial Planning and received her doctorate at the University of Dortmund. Research interests: Trends in spatial development: metropolisation, regionalisation, reurbanisation and polycentrality Spatial statistics Concept and measuring of metropolitan functions Contact: Phone: +49 (0) 231 9051-230 E-Mail: kati.volgmann@ils-research.de [...]

Peter Stroms, M. Sc. Human Geography

Studied Geography (B.Sc.) and Human Geography (M.Sc.) at the University of Münster. Research interests: Planning culture Green infrastructure Migration studies and residential mobility Contact: Phone: +49 (0) 231 9051-219 E-Mail: peter.stroms@ils-research.de Doctoral dissertation Title of doctoral [...]

Frank Osterhage, Dipl.-Ing. Spatial Planning

Contact Person for the Research Interest „Spatial Development and New Work Environments“ Studied spatial planning at the University of Dortmund; spent a semester abroad at the Department of Town and Country Planning at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. [...]

Sebastian Eichhorn, M. Sc. Spatial Planning

Studied Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University (Master of Science). Research Interests: Sustainable mobility and urban development Costs and potentials of multilocality Contact: Phone: +49 (0)231 9051-279 E-Mail: sebastian.eichhorn@ils-research.de Doctoral dissertation Title of doctoral dissertation [...]

Dr. Stefano Cozzolino, Urban Planner

Studied Urban Planning at the Polytechnic University of Milan, where he earned his PhD. Various periods researching abroad, among them at the University of West of England (UK), Purchase College in New York (USA), Groningen University (The Netherlands), and [...]

Press Office

© Traumbild – Fotolia.com Press Office Welcome to the ILS Press Office We inform the media and the public about our research findings, projects, current events, publications, networks and cooperations. Our scholars are available to the press [...]

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