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Dr. Michael Kolocek, Dipl.-Ing. Spatial Planning

Studied spatial planning at the TU Dortmund University and graduated as Diplom-Ingenieur and Dr. rer. pol. Research interests: Housing policy Land policy Discourse analysis Housing satisfaction Contact: Phone: +49 (0) 231 9051-141 E-Mail: michael.kolocek@ils-research.de [...]

Dr. Thomas Klinger, Dipl.-Geographer

Research interests: Everyday mobility and spatial mobility Mobility biographies Mobility Cultures Transport policy and governance Contact: Phone: +49 (0) 231 9051-264 E-Mail: thomas.klinger@ils-research.de Publications (Selection) Schröder, Annika; Klinger, Thomas (2024): From [...]

Das ILS bei der Dortmunder Konferenz Raum- und Planungsforschung

Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des ILS beteiligen sich mit verschiedenen Programmbeiträgen an der Dortmunder Konferenz Raum- und Planungsforschung 2020. Auf der zweitägigen Konferenz werden aktuelle Themen der Raumplanung und der raumbezogenen Forschung diskutiert. Veranstaltet wird die zweisprachige Konferenz (deutsch/englisch) von der [...]

Spatial research network Leibniz R

Spatial research network “Spatial Knowledge for Society and Environment – Leibniz R“ Website of the spatial research network “Leibniz R“ The six spatial science institutions of the Leibniz Association, together with the ILS, form a powerful network of spatial [...]


November 2024 28. – 29. November 2024 // Annual conference of the AESOP Thematic Group of Ethics, Values and Planning: TIME/LESS - Sensing, Planning, Designing in Complex Cities and Regions // Dortmund Oktober 2024 31. Oktober 2024 // 24. Konferenz [...]

Press archive

The ILS publishes its current research results as press releases. Here is an overview of the past years (in German only). Kommt nach der Pandemie der Leerstand? ILS-IMPULSE zu sinkenden Einzelhandelsmieten in den Toplagen und Leerständen in der Innenstadt. (20.12.2022) [...]

Dr. Sabine Weck, Urban Planner AKNW

Deputy Director of Research and Head of the Research Group „Urban Social Space“ Studied Spatial Planning and gained her doctorate at the University of Dortmund. Spent periods studying and working abroad in Spain, Gambia and El Salvador. Research interests: [...]

Dr. Cornelia Tippel, Dipl.-Ing. Spatial Planning

Studied Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University. Gained her Doctorate at the TU Dortmund University. Study and research stays in Prague and Southampton. Research interests: Changing work practices and their spatial implications Work-related multi-locality and mobility Location decisions Contact: [...]

Lisa Garde, M. Sc. Spatial Planning

Studied Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University and at Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Research stay in Athens, Greece. Research interests: Changing patterns in the world of work and their spatial effects Residential multilocality and transnationality Contact: Phone: +49 (0) [...]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Siedentop

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Siedentop was Scientific Director and Managing Director of the ILS until 31 July 2023. He is professor at TU Dortmund University, Faculty of Spatial Planning, Department of Urban Development. To his contact information [...]

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Heike Hanhörster, Dipl.-Ing. Spatial Planning

Studied Spatial Planning and gained her Doctorate at TU Dortmund University; periods spent studying and researching abroad in the Netherlands, France and Ghana. Research interests: Social networks and encounters of (middle-class) households Social and spatial inequality Residential mobility of [...]

Dr. Andrea Dittrich-Wesbuer, Dipl.-Ing. Spatial Planning

Deputy Director of Research and Deputy Head of the Research Group “Mobilities and Space“ Studied Spatial Planning at University of Dortmund and gained her Doctorate at Leibniz University of Hannover. Research interests: Spatial mobility and everyday [...]

Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Conrad, Dipl.-Geographer

Studied Geography at the Ruhr University Bochum. Research interests: Demographic changes and mobility Sustainable transport development and transport planning Mobility behaviour of different social groups (older people, people with a migration background) Mobility and public health Contact: Phone: +49 [...]

Dr.-Ing. Janna Albrecht, Dipl.-Ing. Spatial Planning

Studied Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University with Study Periods Abroad at the School of City and Regional Planning of the Cardiff University (Great Britain) and the Chungnam National University in Daejeon (South Korea); Research Stay at the University [...]

Magazines Alerting Service

© JRF e. V. Magazines Alerting Service Electronic versions with access to the tables of contents of the volumes and to the abstracts of the individual contributions (R) = Refereed / peer-reviewed = Full text of the journal [...]

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