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Search results for: fina

WalkUrban Final Conference

The final conference of the WalkUrban project was held on 6-7 March 2024 at ILS. On the first day the WalkUrban team presented the research methodology and key findings, while local representatives from the three case study cities (Genoa, Dortmund [...]

WalkUrban Final Conference on 6-7 March 2024

The final conference of the WalkUrban project (https://walkurban.eu/) was held on 6-7 March 2024 at ILS. Due to the strikes of DB and Lufthansa, some of the invited experts and participants were unable to travel to Dortmund, but we managed [...]

WalkUrban Final Conference

The conference will take place on Wednesday 6th March 2024 (hybrid) and Thursday 7th March 2024 (in-person) at the ILS- Institute for Regional and Urban Development in Dortmund, Germany. We invite both practitioners and academics from different European countries to [...]

WalkUrban Final Conference

At our final conference we present our research approach and findings, and explore policy implications and future implementations for creating walking-friendly neighbourhoods. Based on our research findings we will also discuss the transfer¬ability of research methods, outcomes and [...]

Final event of IMpeTUs

16 and 17 September 2021, 14:00 to 16:00 pm CET digital © Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) Final event of our research project "Impacts of Climate Change on Migration and Urbanisation (IMpeTUs)" on 16 and 17 September 2021 [...]


Damit das Ankommen leichter fällt Projekt untersuchte die Bedeutung von Ankunftsinfrastrukturen für Neuzugewanderte Menschen, die in Deutschland ankommen, erleben eine Vielzahl an rechtlichen, sprachlichen oder auch sozialen Barrieren. Sogenannte Ankunftsinfrastrukturen wie nachbarschaftliche Netzwerke, zivilgesellschaftliche und kommunale Einrichtungen aber auch Möglichkeiten [...]

DOKORP 2025: “Planning in times of multiple crises“

The 7th Dortmund Conference on Spatial and Planning Research will take place from February 10 to 12, 2025 at TU Dortmund University. Call for Abstracts & Roundtables extended until 7.10.2024. The Dortmund Conference on Spatial and Planning Research is jointly [...]

Stadt, Land, Forschung: Der digitale ILS-Jahresbericht 2023 ist online

Der Jahresbericht 2023 wirft einen Blick zurück auf erfolgreiche Veranstaltungen, Projekte, Kooperationen und Forschungsergebnisse des vergangenen Jahres. Neben „Zahlen und Fakten“ zu Personal, Finanzen und Transfer sind die Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge des Berichtsjahrs übersichtlich zusammengestellt. Mehr...

Austausch zur 15-Minuten-Stadt in Münster beim AccessCity4All Auftakt

Wie sehen die fußläufigen Erreichbarkeiten von Supermärkten, Schulen oder Apotheken derzeit in Münster aus und welche Stadtteile sollten für die nähere Untersuchung ausgewählt werden? Diese und weitere Themen wurden beim Auftakt-Workshop des internationalen Projekts AccessCity4All rege mit verschiedenen Stakeholdern diskutiert. [...]

Output des ILS – 2023

Veröffentlichungen Vorträge Lehrtätigkeiten Veröffentlichungen Ahlmeyer, Florian; Volgmann, Kati (2023): What Can We Expect for the Development of Rural Areas in Europe? – Trends of the Last Decade and Their Opportunities for Rural Regeneration. [...]

Video presents ILS project on urban walkability

In February 2024, 15 projects in the ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) met in Paris for their final event. The purpose was to share insights and project results with funding agencies, stakeholders, cities, government organisations and experts from [...]

Video presents ILS project on urban walkability

In February 2024, 15 projects in the ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) met in Paris for their final event. The purpose was to share insights and project results with funding agencies, stakeholders, cities, government organisations and experts from [...]

Access Policy of ILS

Open Access stands for unrestricted and free access to quality-checked scientific information on the Internet. By removing technical, financial and legal barriers, Open Access helps to accelerate scientific innovation processes and improve the visibility of research results. This supports researchers [...]

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