Published on: 6. February 2024

FGB and GUM researchers participated in a 3-day kick-off meeting of the GreenMe project (in Barcelona hosted by Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. GreenMe aims to identify ways in which effective nature-based therapy and a broader green care framework can be scaled-up to improve adult mental health and wellbeing equity while contributing to multiple socio-ecological co-benefits. The consortium consists of 19 partners from eight countries: Spain, Italy, Belgium, UK, Germany, Poland, Sweden and US. The expertise of involved researchers and practitioners ranges from nature-based therapy, health, social sciences, landscape architecture and planning, to communication specialists. ILS leads a WP to develop a methodology for co-creating solutions and guidelines including an EU framework and country-specific schemes for bolstering green care along with an identified community of green care actors. To the project page

Modified on: 6. February 2024