Published on: 8. October 2019
Airbnbing the city – effects of the global access to local housing
Research workshop on the regulation of short-term-rentals

Key boxes for Airbnb flats, illegally chained on wall in the city of Prague (© Jan Polívka / ILS)
24 January 2020
ILS, Brüderweg 22–24, 44135 Dortmund
The Sharing economy is already establishing itself in many sectors as a serious commercial competitor to standard economy services. In this context, home sharing and short-term rentals as well as digital matching between accommodation providers and tenants are causing conflicts not only with the traditional hotel industry, but also with the regular housing market. Targeting the sharing economy and its impact on the housing market, specific forms of regulations are being introduced by cities worldwide.
The workshop will focus on the relationship between short-term rentals and the protection of housing, focusing on the discussion and evaluation of effective and feasible regulatory approaches for cities.
Please apply for your participation by sending us an abstract with a maximum of 500 words on the topic of your presentation and its relation to the workshop until December 8 at Further information can be found in the flyer.
The workshop will take place on 2020 January 24 (Fri) from 9:30 to 18:00 at the ILS in Dortmund.
Participation is free of charge. Digital participation in the workshop may also be possible!
Important dates:
Call for Participation Deadline: 2019 December 8
Notice of Participation: 2019 December 15
Registration Deadline: 2020 January 05
Workshop: 2020 January 24
Modified on: 19. November 2019